Playfair Display

Playfair Display is an open-source, Transitional (although the high-contrast stokes might place it more in the Modern category) serif typeface designed by Danish type designer Claus Eggers Sørensen in 2011. The design is influenced by typefaces from the mid to late eighteenth century, such as Baskerville. I think it makes an excellent font for titles and headlines (especially the beautiful italic), however, for long stretches of body copy the delicate, high-contrast strokes might hinder readability, especially when used at smaller sizes.

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Playfair Display Specimen

Playfair Display Type Specimen

Similar Fonts

Closest Match on Adobe Fonts (Typekit)*

Monotype Fonts Subscription*

Suggested Font Pairing

Playfair Display Font Pairings

Valio Con 2016
Feb 25, 2016
Jun 7, 2015
Fonts — DIN, Playfair Display
Elena Mora
Jul 31, 2014
Monday Music
Feb 18, 2014
Fonts — Apercu, Playfair Display
Designer's Checklists
Feb 11, 2014
Fonts — Playfair Display, Lato
Digital Abstracts
Dec 12, 2013
Boompa Records
Aug 17, 2013
Fonts — Avenir, Playfair Display

Flawless Typography Checklist

A typography master course that doubles as an interactive visual reference that helps you achieve flawless type on every design project

Flawless Typography Checklist

Email 01

Email 03

Email 04

*If you sign up for a Creative Cloud plan to access Adobe Fonts, or if you subscribe to Monotype Fonts, I will receive a commission. If you find Typewolf useful, please use these links as a way to show your support.