
Didot is the name given to a group of typefaces named after the famous French printing family active in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. There have been several interpretations of Didot created by notable typeface designers such as Adrian Frutiger and Jonathan Hoefler. In my opinion, Didot might not be the most readable font when used for body copy on the web due to its thin and varying strokes. However on Retina displays, Didot looks great even at smaller sizes.

Get Didot →

Adobe Fonts includes this family for both desktop and web use (with unlimited pageviews). Get the entire Adobe Fonts collection with all Creative Cloud plans.

Didot Specimen

Didot Type Specimen

Similar Fonts

Closest Match on Adobe Fonts (Typekit)*

Monotype Fonts Subscription*

Closest Free Alternative on Google Fonts

Suggested Font Pairing

Didot Font Pairings

What Matters
Aug 9, 2018
Fonts — Didot, Akzidenz Grotesk
Carolina Herrera Confidential
Fonts — Gotham, Didot
Aug 2, 2015
Fonts — Didot, Trade Gothic
Mar 17, 2014
Fonts — Neue Haas Grotesk, Didot
Jan 6, 2014
Fonts — Didot, Avenir
Sep 14, 2013
Marek Piatek
Jul 22, 2013
Fonts — Didot, Proxima Nova

Flawless Typography Checklist

A typography master course that doubles as an interactive visual reference that helps you achieve flawless type on every design project

Flawless Typography Checklist

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*If you sign up for a Creative Cloud plan to access Adobe Fonts, or if you subscribe to Monotype Fonts, I will receive a commission. If you find Typewolf useful, please use these links as a way to show your support.